The “Fit4Life” project – what is it about?
The Fit4Life project addresses young families in Munich and helps to promote a healthy lifestyle. The aim is to analyse factors that lead to overweight and obesity – and to learn how to prevent the development of obesity at an early stage. We support families in the first two years after the birth of their first child. The programme relies on a modern, digital solution to provide families with scientifically based information by using the Nebolus app.
The Fit4Life project uses the Nebolus app to introduce young families to regional health services and provide health information on nutrition, physical activity and sports- and exercise courses. The programme is accompanied by a study.
Families will be informed about the study at Harlaching Hospital (Munich) after the birth and can participate if they are interested. The duration of the study is 2 years.
The TUM School of Medicine and Health, the University of Applied Sciences Fulda, the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Munich, the Friedrich Schiedel Foundation and the City of Munich.
More detailed information on the “Fit4Life” programme and the associated study can be found here. Insights into the Nebolus scavenger hunt, in which the young families take part by using the app, are also listed here:
Who is behind it?
Study leader of the Fit4Life project
Chair of Preventive Pediatrics
TUM School of Medicine and Health
Prof. Dr. med. Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz
Dr. phil. Christina Sitzberger Dr. med. univ. Maximilian Dettenhofer
Dr. phil. Julia Remmele E-mail address:
Project Nebolus
Department of Health Sciences
Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Kevin Dadaczynski
M.A. Demian Frank
B.Sc. Mareike Brockmann
Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine:
A cooperation between the Munich Clinic and
TUM’s Clinic rechts der Isar
TUM School of Medicine and Health Prof. Dr. med. Julia Hauer Clinic Director & Chief Physician of the Clinic for Pediatrics and Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Krüger Chief Physician of the Clinic for Neonatology
Friedrich Schiedel Foundation
City of Munich
Department Health and Environment Beatrix Zurek